Apple is set to make a splash in early 2025 with the release of five exciting new products. According to foreign media sources, these devices will include the much-anticipated MacBook Air with the new M4 chip, the iPhone SE 4, the HomePad smart display, the 11th-generation iPad, and possibly the Apple Watch SE 3. Apple products released in 2025 will bring a combination of performance upgrades, sleek designs, and new features that are sure to capture the attention of tech enthusiasts around the globe.
1. M4 MacBook Air: The upcoming MacBook Air will run on the powerful M4 chip, providing faster performance and greater efficiency. It will offer 16GB of RAM and come in both 13-inch and 15-inch models. Apple will include a Nano-texture display option and a 12MP Center Stage camera. The device promises improved battery life for extended use.
2. iPhone SE 4: The iPhone SE 4 will adopt the iPhone 14’s design with a sleek OLED screen and no Home button. Powered by the A18 chip and 8GB of RAM, it will feature a 48MP main camera. The iPhone will also support Face ID, USB-C charging, and Apple’s custom 5G modem. Apple aims to keep the price under $499, making it an appealing choice for budget-conscious consumers. The iPhone SE 4 is one of the highlights of Apple products release 2025.
3. HomePad Smart Display: Apple’s HomePad smart display will focus on smart home control and Siri-powered voice assistance. It will feature a 6-inch screen, a FaceTime camera, and a built-in security alarm system. Users will be able to run key Apple apps like Safari, Music, and Notes while controlling smart devices around their home.