At the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas from January 7 to 10, 2025, Intel released the Core Ultra 200H processor based on the new Arrow Lake architecture. This marks a significant advancement in mobile computing. On the first day of the exhibition, Asus, a key partner, showcased two flagship thin and light notebooks powered by the new processor: the Lingyao 14 2025 and Lingyao 14 Dual Screen 2025. They also unveiled the upgraded Lingyao 16 Air, showcasing Asus’ strength in the thin and light product sector. On January 13 at 14:30, ASUS will host the “Extreme Travel to a New Realm” Lingyao Jingdezhen Ceramics Appreciation Event, where they will reveal all-new Lingyao series products.
Intel Arrow Lake architecture significantly improves performance and energy efficiency, boosting processing power and extending battery life in mobile computing devices. The ASUS ZenBook 14 2025 and ZenBook 14 Dual Screen 2025 are the first laptops to feature this architecture. These models set new standards for performance, portability, design, and AI capabilities.
The Lingyao 14 Dual Screen 2025 stood out at the exhibition with its unique dual-screen design and flexible functionality. This laptop features two 14-inch 2.8K 120Hz OLED screens, which combine to create an impressive 20-inch display. Additionally, it supports a 180° opening, offering an enhanced creative and professional experience. Furthermore, the new ScreenXpert software allows users to seamlessly switch between five display modes for different tasks. Powered by Intel’s second-generation Core Ultra 9 285H processor, the Lingyao 14 Dual Screen 2025 delivers top-tier performance. It also features 32GB of LPDDR5X memory and up to a 2TB PCIe 4.0 SSD, ensuring top-tier performance.
Lingyao 14 2025 achieves the perfect balance of extreme thinness and long battery life. This notebook is as light as 1.19kg and as thin as 14.9mm. It is equipped with a large 75Wh long-life battery. Intel’s ultra-high energy efficiency helps achieve battery life of around 18 hours. Additionally, Asus optimized the Lingyao 14 2025 for better battery durability, ensuring stable long-term use.
In addition, ASUS Lingyao 16 Air has also received a comprehensive upgrade. The Lingyao 16 Air is a large-screen, thin and light notebook made from high-tech ceramic aluminum material. It features a 16-inch 2.8K 120Hz OLED screen, offering an excellent visual experience. Additionally, the device boasts innovations in battery life, cooling, and design, setting a new benchmark for large-screen notebooks in 2025.
The new Lingyao series products released by ASUS not only demonstrate its deep accumulation and innovative strength in the thin and light field, but also lead the new trend of AI thin and light notebooks. As Asus launches these new products, users will experience a more efficient, intelligent, and portable mobile computing life.
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