AMD MI300 chips will start shipping within weeks, revenue could exceed $2 billion next year

[Gearbest News]AI chips are becoming a “must be fought for by military strategists”. AMD not only moves quickly, but is also very optimistic about its prospects. According to Gearbest, AMD's MIX300 chips will be delivered within a few weeks, and the company predicts that its revenue next year may exceed US$2 billion. I wonder how Nvidia felt after seeing it?


On November 1, AMD CEO said that a number of ultra-large-scale cloud service providers have committed to deploy MI300 chip products, and the chip will begin delivery in the next few weeks. It is reported that the MI300 chip will compete with Nvidia's products in the field of artificial intelligence and has received a large number of early orders, including orders from large cloud computing customers. In terms of revenue, data center GPU products will bring in US$400 million in revenue in the fourth quarter, and revenue is expected to exceed US$2 billion in 2024. AMD also predicts that MI300 will be the fastest product to achieve sales of US$1 billion since the company was founded, with revenue expected to reach US$5.8 billion to US$6.4 billion in the fourth quarter.

AMD also said that PC inventories are currently at normal levels and demand is affected by seasonal factors. Accelerator revenue is expected to be US$400 million in the first quarter of the next fiscal year, with most accelerator revenue in the fourth quarter of this fiscal year coming from supercomputing services. By the first quarter of next fiscal year, most accelerator revenue will come from artificial intelligence. AMD confidently claims that the company has sufficient supply capacity to support US$2 billion in artificial intelligence chip sales. If demand exceeds the expected US$2 billion, AMD will still have the ability to produce more chips.


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