The AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor, the most powerful gaming CPU on the market, has gained significant attention since its launch. However, it was recently revealed that the processor burned out on the AM5 motherboard socket for the first time. This incident caused complete damage to both the CPU and the motherboard socket due to the AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D burnout.
A Reddit user, “TrumpPooPoosPants,” shared a photo of his AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D processor online. He mentioned that it was paired with the MSI MAG X870 Tomahawk motherboard. However, the computer failed to boot and showed a “00” error code. Upon inspection, the user discovered that multiple metal contact points on both the CPU and AM5 socket were burned. Another user on the MSI forums also reported encountering a similar “00” error code, though it remains unclear if a burnout occurred in their case.
This burnout incident has sparked widespread discussion. Some analysts believe the issue may stem from the motherboard, which could have caused excessive voltage to flow into the CPU through the metal contacts, leading to the AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D burnout. Notably, AMD’s earlier Ryzen 7 7800X3D processor experienced a similar problem on the ASUS X670 motherboard. Excessive SoC rail voltage caused the burnout, and a BIOS update later resolved the issue.
Some Reddit users suggested that bent CPU pins and damaged sockets might have been caused by user error during installation. Though this hasn’t been confirmed, it’s unlikely to indicate a design flaw in the CPU. Users of the Ryzen 7 9800X3D shouldn’t worry if improper installation was the cause.
AMD processors are designed for single-directional insertion, which reduces the chance of installation mistakes. Additionally, when AMD processors burn out, they typically form visible bulges under the metal contact points. However, this did not happen in this case, which suggests that the burnout incident may be an isolated occurrence.
To avoid similar situations, AMD advises users to check the contact points and pins of both the motherboard and CPU before installation. Even slight bends or misalignments in the pins can cause irreversible damage to PC hardware. However, this didn’t happen in this case, suggesting the burnout incident may be isolated. For more tech-related insights, you can visit Gearbest Blog.